Pastoral Care Training Courses

(PCT501) General Christian Counseling

This course will cover will cover the Biblical principals of counseling according to the scriptures, the only effective precepts for counseling. An emphasis will be placed on Pastoral Counseling, Marital Counseling, and pre-marital counseling. The Christian Family will be discussed and will cover the proper role of each member of the family according to the Word of God. This course will discuss the proper order of a Christian family.


(PCT502) The Prayer Counseling Ministry

This course is designed to train up the body in a unique way, so as to bring healing to those who are spiritually, emotionally and physically oppressed. Students will learn Prayer Counseling foundations, methodology, administration, and job descriptions. Students will learn about the various “root” causes of hurts and difficulties in a person’s life.


(PCT503) Healing of the Whole Person

Since man is a three part being (spirit, soul, and body), this course will discuss in great detail the healing of the total tri-part person. This course will discuss how to effectively counsel and minister to those in the Body of Christ who suffer from depression, pride, rejection, and loneliness.


(PCT504) Church Eldership 1

This course is designed to train the shepherds of God’s flock, either in full time ministry or in lay leadership. There will be an emphasis on personal time management and other “mechanics” of she


(PCT505) Church Eldership 2

This course is a continuation of Eldership 1 and is designed to train up the shepherds of God’s flock whether in full time ministry or lay leadership.


(PCT506) Small Group Development, Foundations and Dynamics

This course is designed to train up those involved in small groups or starting small groups. It will detail the functions of the small group, specific job descriptions and prerequisites of particular small group members and small group meeting formats. This course is for those who lead a small bible study or home group and desire to bring that group into intimacy with God, as well as with each member of the group, which will enable the release of God’s glory in your midst.


(PCT507) The Five Fold Ministry of the Church

This course will discuss in detail the role, function, and order of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher within the church today.


(PCT508) General Pastoral Functions

This course will teach you the art of developing spirit-filled messages, which will impact today’s generation for Christ. This study will cover the importance of both personal preparation as well as biblical preparation. Church disciple will be discussed. When ministering to people you will always run into major conflicts. The church is not perfect. However, the way you choose to deal with those conflicts will determine the future of your church or small group. This course will discuss will discuss Godly principals of how to effectively administer discipline within the church body. Proper mentoring principals will be discussed. If we cannot duplicate our selves in ministry then our work is in vain. This course will train you in the art of mentoring. It will also cover how to be mentored and how to mentor others.


(PCT509) The “Third Day” Church

This course will discuss the church’s role in these end times in ushering in the second coming of Jesus. Also to be discussed is the Church’s role towards Israel.


(PCT510) Developing a Healthy Church and Church Leadership

This course will discuss how to develop a healthy church from the inside out; how to develop a church from a cell group to the corporate celebration; the pros and cons of primary groups as well as defining and establishing staff job descriptions. Other than the Pastor the church body needs a committed group of spirit filled leaders that are called to walk alongside the pastor. This course will discuss how to determine the need for ministry leaders as well as how to identify potential leaders. The development of lay leadership and full time leadership will be studied.


(PCT511) Church Planting and Foundations

This course will take you through the first five years of how to grow and develop a church God’s way. It will discuss sermon messages, Bible studies and conferences that are necessary to nurture the flock. It will also administer general administration principals, which are fundamental to every successful church. This course will discuss setting up a new church with the proper financial tools and administration devices that are necessary to run the business end of a church or ministry. The church is not a democracy, but rather a theocracy. This course will lay out principals that will help establish God’s government within His church. If the foundation is not sound, then the building will not be sound.